
SEAI launches digital register to track renewable energy projects and community benefit funding

Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Azure Cloud | Codec Case Studies

Project at a glance


Ireland has committed to achieving at least 80% renewable electricity by 2030. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) was tasked with establishing a Community Benefit Fund (CBF) register to record and monitor all funding for community projects enabled by the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS).

Solution we designed

We delivered a fully cloud-based solution featuring an Azure-hosted frontend portal where electricity generators and local Community Benefit Funds could submit project registrations and other forms. We used Dynamics 365 to build a backend solution featuring reporting tools, funding timelines and other custom features to support RESS compliance and monitoring.

Specific technology products we used:

  • Azure Cloud
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Microsoft Power Platform

Impact we delivered

  • Launched user-friendly portal where mandatory project reporting can be collected from Community Benefit Funds across Ireland.

  • Implemented transparent reporting tools to track RESS community benefit funding and outcomes in service of the national interest.

  • SEAI estimates this digital register will eventually capture more than €750 million in renewable energy funding.


Building the proper infrastructure for a new initiative

Ireland’s Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) is an important component of a broader push to achieve 80% renewable electricity in the country by the year 2030. As part of this initiative, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) was tasked with creating a digital register that would track all RESS-supported projects and the Community Benefit Fund (CBFs) created by these projects.


The register needed to offer a self-service portal where electricity generators and local CBFs could submit mandatory reports detailing how CBF funds were used. This information would then be compiled into a national register to ensure transparency for all program spending.


Backend reporting, monitoring and compliance tools were also needed to ensure Community Benefit Funds were meeting certain performance benchmarks outlined in the RESS terms and conditions.

“We were given very little detail on what the requirements of this solution should look like. We first needed to pick apart those requirements to figure out how to execute this solution. From there, the design process took almost two years, culminating in a high-level design of the entire system, which was then broken down into three stages of delivery.”

Andy Fox
Renewable Energy Development Manager, SEAI

A user - friendly register, tailored to strict program requirements

While CBF reporting is mandated for electricity generators and other participants in this renewables initiative, a user-friendly portal was needed to ensure consistent, accurate and timely collection of information from all involved parties. We used the Azure Cloud to configure and host a portal solution that could be fully integrated with backend and monitoring tools to collect data for the national register.

Meanwhile, our experts used Microsoft Dynamics 365 to implement reporting, compliance monitoring, internal dashboards, and other capabilities required by SEAI to properly administer the CBF register. Approval requirements were built into portal workflows to ensure that all form submissions are assessed by internal users. Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Exchange were implemented to facilitate document management and automated email communications.

Azure Application Insights was integrated to monitor both the external portal and Dynamics 365, identifying potential performance issues and maintaining an expected level of service across both sides of the application.


Delivering value for decades to come

As a relatively new government initiative, SEAI expects its new CBF register will continue to support the RESS program for the next 30 years, if not longer.

Already, Codec’s new reporting solution has achieved the following:

  • Launched user-friendly portal where mandatory project reporting can be collected from energy generators and Community Benefit Funds across Ireland.
  • Implemented transparent reporting tools to track RESS community benefit funding and outcomes in service of the national interest.
  • SEAI estimates this digital register will eventually capture more than €750 million in renewable energy funding.

“Evolving regulatory requirements can complicate the task of building infrastructure solutions in support of these initiatives. But they can also serve as an invitation to innovate. By harnessing the technical capabilities of Azure Cloud and Dynamics 365, we delivered a custom reporting solution that seamlessly integrates a strong frontend user experience with efficient, transparent program execution.”

Eamon Breen

Commercial Lead Azure, Codec

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